Monday, November 4, 2013

putting things together!


FOR TODAY: half our time devoted, first, to:

1) talk about your ideas, based on having read everything for this week (and having gotten caught up on all readings up to now too!).
2) bring in to share whatever form your ideas have taken -- and they should be pictured or written out, or something YOU CAN PASS AROUND OR SHOW OFF.

Salen, Flanagan, Zimmerman are all artists that care about learning and play. From looking at these materials what can you tell about how they think alike? Compare and contrast their projects. Bring in examples to tell others about.

Connect all the readings for this week together. How would you do that? Look ahead to Con #2 Gaia. How does Reed help us figure out what to do and why? What sorts of inspiration do you get from Salen, Flanagan, Zimmerman and Sandoval?

·       Check out Zimmerman’s website and projects:
·       Check out Salen’s Institute of Play and their projects:
Salen, Flanagan, Zimmerman are all artists 

second half of class will be reports on what you did last week, and what I did! yay!

Hi Folks! I'm sick. Some of you know all about how this feels, having had this yourself already.

I am in the coughing strangling phase and people to people interaction is unproductive for all.

I am excited to hear about your class adventures last week and know you all did a great job.

I have put up in the next post the work for this week, and I ask you to do it all, ready to work with it all on Thursday, when I anticipate we will be back together again.

For Tuesday, I ask that you do careful work, ideally with one or more class buddies, to make plans for our second Con: Gaia, and come in on Thursday, HAVING READ EVERYTHING FOR THIS WEEK (and having gotten caught up on all readings up to now too!), ready to talk about your ideas.

It would be fabulous if you did some prototyping poster-ing as you think it all through. Bring in to share whatever form your ideas have taken -- and they should be pictured or written out, or something YOU CAN PASS AROUND OR SHOW OFF.

Be sure you have downloaded the materials from course reserves and printed them out or made notes AND BRING THOSE TO CLASS ON THURSDAY!

See you then, and thanks for being such a great group!


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