
WMST 468K, Fall 2013 UMD on TTh, 2 – 3:15 pm at SYM 0215

Katie King's Office: 2101C Woods Hall UMD

office hours: Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 (often available right after each class) & some Wed afternoons by appointment; Office phone: 301.405.7294 (voice mail)

IF YOU SUBMIT ANY ATTACHMENTS BY EMAIL DO IT ONLY TO: katiekin@gmail.com (notice “kin” NOT “king”)

But best email for fast reply is: katking@umd.edu
KK’s website with MESSAGES: http://katiekin.weebly.com/
You can follow Katie on Twitter @katkingumd
hashtag for our class #wsGVW



Vered Selection handout 
How to Read handout 
Many Worlds handout 


Why Games, Virtual Worlds and Feminist Learning in a women’s studies cultural studies course? 

It is Worlding that is at stake here. We gather together for this something feminists and others call Worlding: keeping our planet going, caring for flourishing and justice.

And we find these all here in play. Indeed, such playing around is also the beginning of something we could call "Complexity Studies." All this also includes practices feminists call intersectional: where social identities, structures of injustice, ways of changing worlds (including ourselves), are understood as complexly interconnected.

How do games teach us more about learning and its possibilities, about arts of protest, about changing broken realities? When are both confusion and frustration actually “fun”? Art, sports, music, and games all require a kind of trial and error practice that opens up skills over time. Activisms also require collective sympathies and even create festivals of public happiness. How do we learn from these how to turn frustration into a care for precision and detail? How do they help us open up confusion as the very motivation for connecting with others, for wondering together about the big questions that humans have faced for centuries? How do these all aid our caring for flourishing and justice?

Being, doing, making. And stories. World crafting in particular is a special skill that we will explore in this class, and it comes here in forms of transmedia storytelling. Such “new materialities” are making changes in what feminisms see and shape, how we approach justice, and how we understand that learning is a form of play, even fun! that worlding with broken realities needs our care now!

To create our own community of gamers, thinkers, makers, doers: scholars and activists: we want to all get to know each other and work with each other. Ours here is an active and ambitious learning community visioning and revisioning together.

from http://www.worlding.com/

All students please do come to office hours to just talk. I want to get to know each of you personally! I want to know how the class is working for you, what touches and excites you, how your projects are going.

Let me know in office hours or after class when you need help, or any special accommodations, the sooner the better. Folks with disabilities or who need time from class to observe religious holidays, please contact Katie ASAP to make any arrangements necessary. If you are experiencing difficulties in keeping up with the academic demands of this or any other course, you can also contact the Learning Assistance Service, 2202 Shoemaker Building, 301-314-7693. They have educational counselors who can help with time management, reading, math learning skills, note-taking and exam preparation skills. All their services are free to UMD students.



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