Sunday, December 8, 2013

wishes for you!


Loving our media ecologies and lives of hope and planetary possibility. 
How to Make a Seed Bomb:

Tuesday 10 December, MORE!! Share Feminism/s, how? with whom? with what fiero?
·       Bateson, “Theory” from Steps (electronic reserves) or here
·       Vared, “Beyond Barbie” read the whole thing now (electronic reserves

How do Bateson and Vared, from much longer again, put what we have done in the class into context? How might they help you frame your learning analysis? Why could they be helpful?

What is a double bind? why might it matter to us?

Bateson and learning? reality? how things are connected?

Thursday 12 December, LAST DAY! Learning, sharing, making, doing, thinking, acting
·       LEARNING ANALYSIS DUE & PRESENTED; LOGBOOK 4 DUE; website splash page and data. (And anything you haven't already turned in). All in hard copy in class and electronic copies to gmail. 

On our last day we will share with each other our thoughts on how what we know has changed during our time together.


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